With this expansion for The Bloody Inn, the inn now welcomes strange and intriguing guests from a traveling caravan: a bear tamer, a bearded lady, a knife thrower, a fortune... (read more)
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With this expansion for The Bloody Inn, the inn now welcomes strange and intriguing guests from a traveling caravan: a bear tamer, a bearded lady, a knife thrower, a fortune teller, and more. You also have new tricks up your sleeves—like the wolf trap, the well, or the snow pile—that you can use to dispose of guests. No one leaves the inn unscathed… in fact, most never leave the inn at all!
The Carnies contains fifty-two new cards, spread across three separate modules that you can use in any combination. Each module has new rules that help refresh the base game. Two modules are new families of travelers, Carnies and Notables, that you can target. The third module, Aunt Ginette’s Tips & Tricks, adds objects that can make you more effective in your morbid business.
The Bloody Inn is required to enjoy this expansion.
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Buy Bloody Inn, The - The Carnies Expansion
from Noble Knight Games
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