Programmed Movement

Programmed Movement in Board Games

Programmed movement is a game mechanic where players plan their units' or characters' moves in advance. This mechanic adds a level of strategy and unpredictability to games. Here's a quick overview:

How it Works

Players secretly select their moves or actions for a set number of turns. After all players have chosen, they reveal their choices and execute them in order. This can lead to chaotic and unpredictable outcomes when players' plans interact.

Game Experience

This mechanic introduces forward-thinking and planning. It can mitigate luck factors and emphasize strategic skill. However, it also creates a unique challenge as players must anticipate opponents' plans without perfect information.


  • RoboRally: Players program robots' moves on a factory floor, trying to reach checkpoints amidst hazards.
  • Mechs vs. Minions: Players control mechs, programming their actions to fight off waves of minions.

Strategy Game with Programmed Movement

Programmed Movement games published by Korea Boardgames