Narrative Choice / Paragraph

Narrative Choice / Paragraph Mechanic in Board Games

The narrative choice, or paragraph mechanic, is a fascinating aspect of modern board gaming that blends traditional gameplay with interactive storytelling.

What is the Narrative Choice / Paragraph Mechanic?

This mechanic involves players reading sections of text from a book or card, which then presents them with a set of choices that influence the direction and outcome of the game's story. Think of it as a "choose your own adventure" in a board game format.

How Does It Work?

During the game, players encounter various scenarios requiring them to make decisions or skill checks based on their character's abilities or the game's rules. The results can lead to different paragraphs, exacerbating the consequences of their actions.


  • Tales of the Arabian Nights: Here, players experience a world full of magic and adventure, making decisions that result in over a thousand story paragraphs.
  • This War of Mine: The Board Game: Adapting the harrowing experience of civilians in a war-torn city, this game uses a book of scripts for each encounter, creating an immersive narrative.

Impact on Gameplay

This mechanic provides depth and replayability as player choices significantly affect the game's narrative arc. It encourages strategic thinking as well as emotional engagement with the story and characters.


The narrative choice/paragraph mechanic is a cornerstone of storytelling in board games, offering players a unique way to engage with the narrative and shape their own gaming experience.

Narrative Choice / Paragraph games published by MINDOK