Games designed by Greg Spyridis and designed by Tim Flanders
Legacy of Dragonholt
Dragonholt lies just past the eaves of spirit haunted Eventide Forest, surrounded by ancient orchards and quiet farms. While much of Terrinoth is perilous, this village is a comparative haven of tranquility - or it used to be. Danger has come to Dragonholt...
mostly positive, 76%
14 y/o +
1 to 6 players
60 minutes
Strategy Game
Narrative Choice / Paragraph
Role Playing
Scenario / Mission / Campaign Game
Games published by Edge Entertainment and designed by Tim Flanders
Relic - Halls of Terra Expansion
Play deadly games of Imperial politics in Relic: Halls of Terra! The quest to save the Antian Sector from Chaos takes you to mankind’s homeworld in the Sol System, where you must persuade the ruling powers of the Imperium to support to your cause. You...
mostly positive, 72%
14 y/o +
2 to 6 players
180 minutes
Dice Rolling
Roll / Spin and Move
Variable Player Powers