Games published by Ares Games and designed by Roberto Di Meglio

"What if the Ents had marched out of Fangorn to defend Lorien from the assault of the Shadow? What if the dark broods of Ungoliant had crawled out of the depths of Mirkwood and up the crevices of the Ephel Duath? What if the Eagles had assisted the ...

"These are the Rohirrim, as we name them, masters of horses, and we ceded to them the fields of Calenardhon that are since called Rohan; for that province had long been sparsely peopled. And they became our allies, and have ever proved true to us, aiding...
The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth - Spreading War Expansion
Games published by Nuts! Publishing and designed by Roberto Di Meglio

What if the Keepers of the Elven Rings had used their Rings of Power to challenge the might of the Dark Lord? What if the Balrog had risen out of Moria to bring fire and fury to the lands of the Free Peoples? What if the Council of Elrond had decided...
War of the Ring: Lords of Middle-Earth Expansion

What if the Battle of Five Armies was lost by the Free Peoples, and Dáin never became King Under the Mountain? What if the Dwarves of the Iron Hills were just the scattered survivors of their kin, fighting a strenuous battle to defend their homes? What...
War of the Ring: Fate of Erebor, The - Expansion