Games with Variable Player Powers designed by Frédéric Henry

Rush n' Crush
When you wield guns and armor onto a race car, you need some real psychos to drive them. But we did it. Why?Because chaos is fun!A race where anything goes and with room for only one on the podium. Break-neck speed and road-rage are not only encouraged...
mixed, 55%
12 y/o +
3 to 6 players
60 minutes
Strategy Game
Science Fiction
Dice Rolling
Modular Board
Variable Player Powers
Games with Open Drafting designed by Frédéric Henry

Builders, The - Antiquity
From the hanging gardens of Babylon to the pyramids of Egypt, and without forgetting the Greek Parthenon, the Builders Antiquity offers a whole range of challenges to its builders. To face these challenges, you must put on your foreman clothes. Between...
mixed, 63%
10 y/o +
2 to 4 players
30 minutes
Strategy Game
Ancient Civilization
City Building
Action Points
Open Drafting
Set Collection