Industry / Manufacturing themed games illustrated by Jordan Draper

Import / Export
In Import / Export, you are trying to run the most profitable shipping fleet in hopes of having the most credits by the end of the game. By fulfilling shipping contracts, you open the potential of 170 unique card powers. Build an engine of your own design...
mixed, 65%
8 y/o +
2 to 6 players
45 minutes
Card Game
Industry / Manufacturing
Commodity Speculation
Hand Management
Games with Grid Movement illustrated by Jordan Draper

TOKYO METRO is a heavy economic simulation of the metro system in Tokyo, using a unique action placement cycling system, stock investments, speculation, loans, bicycles, grid movement, train riding, and more! Playing 1-4 players and taking 120 minutes...
Tokyo Series - Metro

In TOKYO JUTAKU you will take on the role of a famous or emerging Japanese architect with the goal of building small homes on a strange or limited size property.In this real time dexterity game, players will build with geometric pieces to stack up to...
Tokyo Series - Jutaku
Games with Trading illustrated by Jordan Draper

Jidohanbaiki (vending machine in Japanese) is a framework game with pieces that are used to create many other games! With the help of talented guest designers, over 20 games can be played out of the box.Not only are scale model 3D miniature Japanese...
Tokyo Series - Jidohanbaiki

If player driven economics and collecting fish tokens intrigues you, step into the Tsukiji Market and become engulfed in a world of supply and demand with perceptive value.TOKYO TSUKIJI MARKET evolves around players investing in certain fish markets...
Tokyo Series - Tsukiji Market