Zombicide: Supernatural - Join the Hunt Pack #2

The supernatural world is home to beasts, nightmares, and all things that terrify mortals in the night. How strange is it then that zombies ended up doing what none of... (continuer à lire)
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CoolMiniOrNot (CMON)
0 joueurs
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Catégories du jeu
CoolMiniOrNot (CMON) et Horror
Zombicide: Supernatural - Join the Hunt Pack #2 preview image


The supernatural world is home to beasts, nightmares, and all things that terrify mortals in the night. How strange is it then that zombies ended up doing what none of these masterminds could and brought about the apocalypse? If there’s any hope of survival, it falls on the likes of Jack Kline, John Winchester, and Bobby Singer to fight not only zombies but horrific beasts such as the Leviathan. Only powerful artifacts such as the Angel Blade and the ancient Ruby's Knife stand a chance of battling evil back into submission!

Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly may be required.

Option d'achat

Acheter Zombicide: Supernatural - Join the Hunt Pack #2
chez Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

21,95 USD
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Maison d'édition

Jeux à thématique Horror

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