Deep in the forest, in the dark of night, hungry creatures emerge in search of your juicy fireflies. They quickly gather around, waiting for what they crave. In Smile, a... (read more)
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Deep in the forest, in the dark of night, hungry creatures emerge in search of your juicy fireflies. They quickly gather around, waiting for what they crave. In Smile, a collection of cute little critters will surround you no matter what you do. It’s up to you to make sure that these creatures are worth the most points at the end of the game. Some creatures add to your score, but others reduce it. Carefully bid your fireflies each round to get your hands on the creatures who give you the highest score and avoid getting stuck with those that provide negative effects. After the last round, your fireflies will be worth nearly nothing, so spend them wisely if you want to be smiling at the end of the game.
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