Jungle Speed (2010 Edition)

In Jungle Speed, you must rely on your keen sense of observation and quick reflexes. It requires a steady hand - which can be hard to maintain during the many... (read more)
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15 minutes
2 to 10 players
Game's Categories
Card Game, Family Game, and Asmodee
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In Jungle Speed, you must rely on your keen sense of observation and quick reflexes. It requires a steady hand - which can be hard to maintain during the many fits of maniacal laughter!

Each player is dealt a hand of cards. In order to win you must be the first player to get rid of all of your cards. Each turn, all of the players reveal one of their cards. If two cards are identical, those players must make a grab for the Totem. The faster player then gives their cards to their unfortunate adversary.

To add to the difficulty, certain cards are almost identical, which can trick a player into grabbing the Totem by mistake - a grave error. Other cards force all players to make a grab at once, change the method of play, or otherwise add to the difficulty. It's a Jungle Speed Free-for-all...

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