Hanafuda, literally flower cards, are traditional Japanese playing cards that employ aesthetics, rather than numbers and suits, to configure the deck. Our deluxe edition includes 48 stunning cards and a... (read more)
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Hanafuda, literally flower cards, are traditional Japanese playing cards that employ aesthetics, rather than numbers and suits, to configure the deck. Our deluxe edition includes 48 stunning cards and a plethora of extras that allow you to:
Learn how to play Koi-Koi with easy-to-follow English rules.
Easily collect points with a month and set reference for each player.
Discover new ways to play with 8 Koi-Koi variants.
Play Koi-Koi solo with a brand new variant designed by Bruno Cathala.
Understand the details with a section about the history of Hanafuda.
Purchase option
Buy Hanafuda (Deluxe Edition)
from Noble Knight Games
USD 50.00
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