Welcome to AssassinCon, the one time each year when all the cloaks and daggers gather to attend seminars on practical invisibility and browse the latest in ninja hoods. But... (read more)
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Welcome to AssassinCon, the one time each year when all the cloaks and daggers gather to attend seminars on practical invisibility and browse the latest in ninja hoods. But the real action is in the games, sneaking silently through the shadows corridors. Pursue as you are pursued! Eliminate your opponents! In this game, skill and strategy mean the difference between success and a truly heinous headache.
May the best Assassin win!
1 game board
1 rulebook
85 cards
25 point tokens
6 assassin pawns
6 assassin pawn stands
Purchase option
Buy AssassinCon (Green Box Edition)
from Noble Knight Games
USD 5.95
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