Semi-Cooperative Game

Semi-Cooperative Games: A Blend of Unity and Conflict

Board games bring people together, offering various ways for interaction, from fierce competition to full collaboration. Semi-cooperative games strike a unique balance within this spectrum.

What Are Semi-Cooperative Games?

Semi-cooperative games are a genre of board games where players work together towards a common goal but also have individual objectives that may conflict with the group's interests.


  • Common Goal: Players must unite to achieve a shared objective to avoid collective defeat.
  • Individual Objectives: Alongside the shared goal, each player has secret or openly known personal goals that may diverge from the group's aim.
  • Balancing Act: Players must carefully navigate between contributing to the group's success and advancing their own agenda.
  • Potential for Betrayal: Some semi-cooperative games include mechanisms for betrayal or a traitor, adding tension and unpredictability.
  • Dead of Winter: Players survive in a post-apocalyptic world while pursuing personal objectives that can undermine the group.
  • Shadows Over Camelot: Knights collaboratively protect Camelot but there’s a chance one knight is a traitor working against the group.


Semi-cooperative games appeal to those who enjoy the social and strategic depth that comes from juggling collective and individual success. These games foster interaction, discussion, and often, memorable moments of alliance and deception.

Semi-Cooperative Game published by Hobby World

Semi-Cooperative Game published by Portal Games

Semi-Cooperative Game with Take That