Numenera Skillbuilding Game: Ninth World, The - A Skillbuilding Game for Numenera w/2 Promo Cards
The future is yours
Many forgotten remnants of past civilizations are scattered among the Ninth World, and only the bravest of heroes can claim them. The Steadfast calls to these... (continuer à lire)
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Many forgotten remnants of past civilizations are scattered among the Ninth World, and only the bravest of heroes can claim them. The Steadfast calls to these heroes, promising adventure and good fortune. They may discover petty treasures and strange creatures in towns, or bravely venture through the wilderness for rare and precious riches.
The Ninth World: A Skillbuilding Game for Numenera is a card game set a billion years into the future, after civilization has come and gone eight times. You can explore the world as clever Jacks, brave Glaives, and powerful Nanos. It can be played competitively, solo, or cooperatively. Gameplay is innovative blending of technology tree advancement, bidding, and deck-building call skillbuilding. Step into the future now.
12 hero tableaus
1 valor board
1 gameboard
2 dice
45 region cards
48 town cards
60 wilderness cards
120 skill cards
20 power cards
5 bid shields
1 round marker
50 hero tokens
36 quest tokens
1 monolith
Option d'achat
Acheter Numenera Skillbuilding Game: Ninth World, The - A Skillbuilding Game for Numenera w/2 Promo Cards
chez Noble Knight Games
19,95 USD
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