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Alternate History themed games published by Iron Games
Peloponnes Card Game
The Peloponnese - home of the Poleis, powerful and proud city-states. Lead one of them through the epochs, gain prestige, riches and stability and weather the threatening catastrophes.Develop your civilization over the course of 8 game rounds, in which...
mixed, 60%
10 y/o +
1 to 5 players
45 minutes
Card Game
Alternate History
Ancient Civilization
Multi-Use Cards
Open Drafting
Set Collection
Games designed by Bernd Eisenstein and published by Iron Games
Card Game published by Iron Games
Alexander the Great has conquered a vast empire, but his power is now waning and the time is ripe to compete for his inheritance. Each player leads one of four competing factions that are ready to rule the vast empire. To do this, you must become the...
We, the goblins, have managed to chase the scum of the Five Realms out of the Hiddenlands. Now the land is ours, and we can spread destruction and chaos as we like it!But it’s not that easy to live together with the other dirty goblin clans, especially...
Strategy Game published by Iron Games
Pact - Winter Expansion
We, the Goblins, hate the cold in winter, so we want to complete the winter tasks as quickly as possible so that we can retreat into the warmth!Pact Winter is the expansion of Pact. Now it is possible to play the game with up to 6 players. New Winter...
10 y/o +
1 to 6 players
35 minutes
Strategy Game
Games published by TLAMA games and Iron Games
The first cities on the Rhine emerge from Roman outposts protecting the border with Germania. As the governor of one of these cities, your task is to develop it in the best possible way, while also defending it against the Germanic tribes. Empress Agrippina...
mostly positive, 72%
12 y/o +
1 to 4 players
70 minutes
Dice Game
Ancient Civilization
City Building
Action / Event
Action Drafting
Dice Rolling
Games designed by Jeffrey D. Allers and published by Iron Games