Games with Tile Placement published by Devil Dice Games
Games illustrated by Vincent Dutrait and published by Devil Dice Games
Medici - The Card Game
In Medici – The Card Game, players take turns presenting goods to be loaded onto ships. Once all ships are full, the day ends, and players receive money for the value and type of their loads. Will you be the most successful merchant at the wharf?
mixed, 66%
10 y/o +
2 to 6 players
30 minutes
Card Game
Push Your Luck
Set Collection
Spies / Secret Agents themed games published by Devil Dice Games
Corporate intel lingers within the corridors of Raxxon’s Abandoned headquarters. An agent of A.R.K. has been assigned to infiltrate this location and retrieve confidential objectives before escaping. However, while this base is abandoned, it is not ...
Specter Ops - Broken Covenant
Stealth, the search, the fight, and the thrill of the hunt. Specter Ops: Shadow of Babel puts you and 1-4 friends in the middle of a war for society that's fought in the shadows.On one side, a lone A.R.K. agent infiltrates a Raxxon facility, seeking...
Specter Ops - Shadow of Babel
Economic themed games published by Devil Dice Games
Games edited by Simon Milburn and published by Devil Dice Games
Paper Dungeons
Immortal Glory Awaits!Paper Dungeons reinvents the classic dungeon crawler with a new dynamic roll-and-write twist.You'll control a group of intrepid adventurers as they explore crypts, catacombs, and cavernous chambers, fighting monsters and looting...
mostly positive, 70%
10 y/o +
1 to 8 players
30 minutes
Dice Game
Dice Rolling
Die Icon Resolution
Grid Movement