It is late 19th century America. The first time travel device is developed by Nikola Tesla. The "Tesla Coil" is able to bend time-space but requires great speed to do... (read more)
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It is late 19th century America. The first time travel device is developed by Nikola Tesla. The "Tesla Coil" is able to bend time-space but requires great speed to do so. Receiving his funding from the B&O railroad, Mr. Tesla outfits several of its locomotives with the Tesla Coil and employs a crew of top secret conductors to travel on the tracks of time to test his experiment. The job won't be easy, but the profits could be great. Are you ready to travel the Railways through Time?
The Age of Steam: Time Traveler Expansion comes with several new maps that represent not only different locations, but also different times as well, and adds an exciting new twist as players travel from one map to another using time portals.
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