Super Secret Stealthy Spies is a fast-paced, easy-to learn strategy game of big moves. You have four spies who need to leave your home base and enter the field on... (read more)
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Super Secret Stealthy Spies is a fast-paced, easy-to learn strategy game of big moves. You have four spies who need to leave your home base and enter the field on a very important mission. Covertly move through parks, buildings, and subways and be the first to infiltrate the rival bases! Use the subway entrances to travel to other subway spaces. Use parks as cover to travel several spaces in one turn. Mix up the game board tiles for a different game each time. a little luck and a lot of stealth will help you to win this spy game. Includes 12 Game Tiles, 4 Home Bases, 1 Subway Die, 1 Rules Sheet, and 16 Spy Movers in four different colors.
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