Space Battle Lunchtime Card Game is based on its namesake graphic novel by Natalie Riess, about Earth baker Peony who gets the deal of a lifetime when she agrees to... (read more)
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Space Battle Lunchtime Card Game is based on its namesake graphic novel by Natalie Riess, about Earth baker Peony who gets the deal of a lifetime when she agrees to be a contestant on the Universe's hottest reality TV cooking show, Space Battle Lunchtime!
In the game, players will face off as contestants in the intergalactic cooking competition show. They’ll collect and combine flavor cards to create the perfect prize-winning dish, trying to impress the alien judges with their creativity!
Based on the delightful Oni Press Graphic novel by Natalie Riess!
Purchase option
Buy Space Battle Lunchtime (Alternate Cover Edition)
from Noble Knight Games
USD 30.00
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