World of Smog, The: Rise of Moloch

The Gentlemen of the Unicorn Club are no strangers to adventure, but they’re about to face their most dangerous foe yet! An evil underground cult, led by the mysterious Nemesis,... (read more)
mostly positive, 77% of all reviews are favorable
45 minutes
CoolMiniOrNot (CMON)
2 to 5 players
Fel Barros, Christophe Madura, Alex Olteanu, David Rakoto, and Michael Shinall
Game's Categories
Miniatures, Fantasy, Variable Player Powers, Dice Rolling, CoolMiniOrNot (CMON), Modular Board, and CMON Global Limited
World of Smog, The: Rise of Moloch preview image


The Gentlemen of the Unicorn Club are no strangers to adventure, but they’re about to face their most dangerous foe yet! An evil underground cult, led by the mysterious Nemesis, is working to summon Moloch, an ancient fire demon that will destroy everything in his path. The World of SMOG: Rise of Moloch takes place on the fog-choked streets of an alternate version of London. Players band together as the Gentlemen of the Unicorn Club and face off against one person controlling the Nemesis and their minions. It’s a steampunk Victorian adventure that unfolds over a campaign, leading to a final showdown between good and evil.

Purchase option

Buy World of Smog, The: Rise of Moloch
from Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

USD 34.00
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Games published by CMON Global Limited

Games with Variable Player Powers

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