Ragemore is a solo game of Dungeons & Dread, based on 18 cards, which you will use to build a tableau of completed quests, while managing your hand and resources... (read more)
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Ragemore is a solo game of Dungeons & Dread, based on 18 cards, which you will use to build a tableau of completed quests, while managing your hand and resources as you delve though the dark, fighting demons, all in a span of 10-15 minutes.
Each card is two sided; a demon and a hero. In the beginning of the game, the player will set up 2 piles of demon-sided quests and a party of 3 hero-sided cards. Then an immediate threat is revealed from the draw deck as the current demon card that may or may not be dealt with. If it is not killed, the demon card will go to one of the quests piles and an event written on that card will take effect. If it is killed, the demon card is flipped to the hero side and becomes one of the party. The player can also ignore the immediate demon threat and goes on a quest to obtain the win condition, or parlay with some of the demons to turn them into heroes but with the cost of the hero's morality: the hero is flipped to the demon side and joins the draw deck of demons.
The game is won when the hero gains the required number of quest card by using a combination of four symbols drawn on each cards. The game is lost when the graveyard has 3 deaths or when a quest pile has 4 demons or the party has no more heroes or the draw deck of demons is empty before the number of quest cards is fulfilled or if the quest piles are empty before the number of quest cards is fulfilled. 1 winning condition and 5 losing conditions.
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