This Unique Party Card Game will provide hours of fun in any setting. The game can be played solo or with up to 8 players when the twin games (Pick-a-Pig... (read more)
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This Unique Party Card Game will provide hours of fun in any setting. The game can be played solo or with up to 8 players when the twin games (Pick-a-Pig and Pick-a-Dog) are combined!
Shuffle the cards and lay out a grid of 5 x 6 or 7 x 7 cards. Give each player a secret card. On “Go” all players begin collecting cards… either identical or with only one difference—until someone calls “STOP”. Check each player’s stack, if there is any card out-of-sequence, they lose them all! If the cards are in order, they keep them all… each card is worth a point.
Purchase option
Buy Pick-a-Dog
from Noble Knight Games
USD 8.50
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