In some places, dark magic seems to permeate the ground itself, corrupting everyone and everything. It can be the consequence of a necromancer ritual, a desecrated sanctuary, or the recent manifestation of otherworldly forces, among others. In such areas, infected animals gather like moths to a flame. Zombies are almost immortal. And above all, scourges like necromantic dragons may claim the place as their wicked nest. From then on, nature itself seems to succumb to the zombie plague, and all hope is lost.
Until we show up, that is. As long as we have something to say, there will be no rest for the wicked!
Brace yourself for the darkest foes in the Zombicide universe! Borne of black magic, swarms of zombie Ratz and ghostly Spectral Walkers fall upon the land. The evil legion is led by the night itself, flying on the wings of a huge Necromantic Dragon! The beasties should be careful, though, as your survivor team just found a new toy to play with: a ballista. Watch out!
Mechanisms:• Cooperative Game• Dice Rolling• Variable Player Powers• Modular Board