Munchkin Treasure Hunt

Munchkin Treasure Hunt is a fun boardgame for up to six players, ages 6 and up - now everyone in the family can be a Munchkin! (Don't worry . .... (read more)
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60 minutes
Steve Jackson Games
2 to 6 players
Game's Categories
Steve Jackson Games, Card Game, Humor, and Fantasy


Munchkin Treasure Hunt is a fun boardgame for up to six players, ages 6 and up - now everyone in the family can be a Munchkin! (Don't worry . . . you don't need to know how to play any other Munchkin game to enjoy Treasure Hunt.) Treasure Hunt comes with a board, two custom six-sided dice, 96 colorful cards, four blank cards (so you can write your own!), six character standies, and a rulesheet.

The munchkins (that's you!), move around the board. If you land on a monster, use the Monster cards to find out how tough it is, then roll a dice and use your Treasures (like Protective Kittens or a Broccoli Smoothie - EEEUUWW, YUCK) to beat it.

When you run out of Treasure cards, whoever has the most gold in their hand wins the game!

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