Maquis (2nd Edition)

Engage the Nazi occupation of France in la petite guerre to throw off the yoke of the oppressors and free your homeland!

Maquis is a solitaire worker-placement game with variable... (read more)
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mostly positive, 76% of all reviews are favorable
30 minutes
Giga Mech Games
1 player
Jake Staines
Game's Categories
Solo / Solitaire Game, Giga Mech Games, Worker Placement, World War II, Print & Play Game, (Web published), and Schwerkraft-Verlag


Engage the Nazi occupation of France in la petite guerre to throw off the yoke of the oppressors and free your homeland!

Maquis is a solitaire worker-placement game with variable goals and a play time of approximately twenty minutes. The player places his resistance agents on spaces around town to achieve his goals – blowing up trains, publishing underground newspapers – but at the same time Milice collaborators and Wehrmacht soldiers patrol the area. Agents who can’t make it back to the safe house at the end of the day are arrested, and never seen again.

The 2nd edition of the game includes everything from 1st edition, including 4 new 3-star missions as well as some new resources to help you in the fight!

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Game's Categories

Solo / Solitaire Game

Games published by Schwerkraft-Verlag