The Friends & Foes Expansion provides two completely new Scenario boards, Bree and Isengard, as well as 21 new Feature cards. Find new friends to help you conquer the challenges... (read more)
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The Friends & Foes Expansion provides two completely new Scenario boards, Bree and Isengard, as well as 21 new Feature cards. Find new friends to help you conquer the challenges ahead: Tom Bombadil, Glorfindel, Treebeard, Strider and many more. In addition, this Expansion introduces 30 dark Foes ready to bedevil your journey. Face the evil Spiders of Mirkwood, Orcs of the Red Eye, Cave-trolls, Wolf Riders and Barrow Wights - to name but a few of your new adversaries.
Purchase option
Buy Lord of the Rings: Friends & Foes Expansion
from Noble Knight Games
USD 95.00
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