Little Monsters is a light game of cards specially designed to tap on the excitement of 'risk-taking elements' from press-your-luck mechanisms. Players take turns drawing as many cards as they... (read more)
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Little Monsters is a light game of cards specially designed to tap on the excitement of 'risk-taking elements' from press-your-luck mechanisms. Players take turns drawing as many cards as they want from the deck, scoring a range of 1-5 card points for each card drawn. There is no limit to the amount of times a player can draw cards, but as soon as he draws a Dark One/ Monster Parent, he loses all his card points and is forced to end the turn.
But wait, it is not as easy as it sounds. First of all, cards drawn are secretive and only known to the player drawing them. Players can guess at the total army points of each other by the number of cards they drew, but not the exact army points acquired. A player with 8 cards might only have an actual total of 9 card points while a player who drew 5 cards could already be sitting on 10 card points! This is where players try to match the amount of cards by drawing at least as many cards or more than their opponents in order to ensure their victory.
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from Noble Knight Games
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