Starting with a limited amount of resources and workers, you set out to run your lumber mill as efficiently as possible. Savvy investments and proper planning will ensure that your... (read more)
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Starting with a limited amount of resources and workers, you set out to run your lumber mill as efficiently as possible. Savvy investments and proper planning will ensure that your mill will be the most profitable. Be cautious, however, for competition is fierce! You will need to secure the best cutting areas, make use of limited contract workers, and continually update and replace your equipment. Your competitors are not the only thing to worry about as you will also need to store enough firewood and food to survive the harsh winters.
1 Double-sided game board
4 Sawmill boards
4 Sawmill board extensions
4 Woodpile tiles
10 Building tiles
60 Cards
234 Wooden pieces
200 Tokens
2 Rulebooks
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Buy Lignum (2nd Edition)
from Noble Knight Games
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