Feierabend - Finishing Time (English/German Edition)

In Finishing Time, you are a team of workers. Each day you leave work stressed and look for some fun in the evenings - but thanks to a 70-hour work... (read more)
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mixed, 68% of all reviews are favorable
55 minutes
1 to 6 players
Friedemann Friese
Game's Categories
Economic, Solo / Solitaire Game, Worker Placement, Industry / Manufacturing, 2F-Spiele, Friedemann Friese, and Income
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In Finishing Time, you are a team of workers. Each day you leave work stressed and look for some fun in the evenings - but thanks to a 70-hour work week and a low income, you don’t have many possibilities for relaxation. Sure, you can head to the pub for drinks, go on blind dates to find a partner, or fish or jog outside, but this is not a good work-life balance, It’s a rat race.

If you really want to relax, you need a higher income for you and your fellow workers. You want to work fewer hours, and taking a vacation would be good too. Let the union help you fix this depressing lifestyle and aim for maximum relaxation.

Includes both English and German language rules.

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