Now your expanding continent can include iconic landscape features! Add Kilimanjaro, the Sahara, Serengeti and others to your developing world. And of course, there are more animals to increase the... (read more)
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Now your expanding continent can include iconic landscape features! Add Kilimanjaro, the Sahara, Serengeti and others to your developing world. And of course, there are more animals to increase the population of your ecosystem - from Nile Crocodiles to herds of Zebra. New Horizon introduces a new type of card mechanic to play these landscape features, and each interacts with the landscape in a unique way that will affect all players’ choices throughout the game. Can your plans withstand the creeping expansion of the Sahara or benefit from the deep jungle of the Congo Basin?
1 Rulebook
1 Wooden (Kilimanjaro) Mountain Token
6 Landscape Features
26 Game Cards
46 Animal Tokens
1 Animal Token Container
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Buy Ecos - New Horizons Expansion
from Noble Knight Games
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