Arkham Horror LCG - Dream-Eaters, The: Dream-Eaters Expansion, The

There is a hidden realm outside the world of the waking: a realm of wonder, imagination, and nightmares. After occult author Virgil Gray writes about his adventures in these “Dreamlands,”... (read more)
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very positive, 89% of all reviews are favorable
45 minutes
Fantasy Flight Games
1 to 4 players
Daniel Schaefer, MJ Newman, Matthew J. Newman, and Maxine Juniper Newman
Game's Categories
Fantasy Flight Games, Horror, Cooperative Game, Galakta, Variable Player Powers, Novel-based, and Card Game
Arkham Horror LCG - Dream-Eaters, The: Dream-Eaters Expansion, The preview imageCheck out the purchase option here


There is a hidden realm outside the world of the waking: a realm of wonder, imagination, and nightmares. After occult author Virgil Gray writes about his adventures in these “Dreamlands,” you decide to set forth and learn the truth for yourself. What is real, and what is fiction? And what secrets await in the dark, forbidden places beyond the gates of sleep?

The Dream-Eaters is the fifth deluxe expansion for Arkham Horror: The Card Game. In this expansion, 1–4 players take on the roles of either a group of investigators venturing into the Dreamlands or their companions who have been left in the waking world. This expansion contains the first two scenarios of The Dream-Eaters cycle; one scenario for each of these two groups. This expansion also contains new investigator and player cards that increase the customization options for the game.

This is not a standalone product. A copy of the Arkham Horror: The Card Game Core Set is required to play.

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Buy Arkham Horror LCG - Dream-Eaters, The: Dream-Eaters Expansion, The
from Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

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Card Game