Dragon and Flagon is a chaotic, fantasy tavern brawl where adventurers of all kinds battle their way to glory in the bar fight to end all bar fights. Each character... (read more)
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Dragon and Flagon is a chaotic, fantasy tavern brawl where adventurers of all kinds battle their way to glory in the bar fight to end all bar fights. Each character has their own set of abilities that they can program into their action queue to help them come out of the battle with a glowing reputation. The Brew That is True expansion includes three new additions to the game—nine new characters with unique capabilities, magical potions with a variety of wild and unpredictable effects, and bookshelves that can be sent toppling and change the layout of the bar entirely! All the components of this expansion can be mixed and matched as desired with everything from the original Dragon and Flagon!
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Buy Dragon & Flagon, The - The Brew That is True
from Noble Knight Games
USD 33.95
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