Detective is a modern crime board game, designed by Przemyslaw Rymer and Ignacy Trzewiczek. Solve mysterious crimes and see if you would handle the job of a true detective in... (read more)
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Detective is a modern crime board game, designed by Przemyslaw Rymer and Ignacy Trzewiczek. Solve mysterious crimes and see if you would handle the job of a true detective in a modern setting! This is a true board game that tells stories, because you will participate in those stories. Let’s hope, that you will guess the end, before there is another crime... The game includes 5 scenarios for players to solve and a high quality components. Use every tool at your disposal to solve these crimes - consult the Internet, check the facts and constantly learn new clues. You are not playing a detective, you are a detective!
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Buy Detective - A Modern Crime Board Game
from Noble Knight Games
USD 9.00
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