Crime Zoom - Bird of Ill Omen

A real investigation in a deck of cards! Bird of Ill Omen will take you to Paris in 2018.

A secure office building at 6 rue de Paradis. The janitor... (read more)
mixed, 64% of all reviews are favorable
30 minutes
Lucky Duck Games
1 to 6 players
Stéphane Anquetil
Game's Categories
Murder / Mystery, Cooperative Game, Mystery / Crime, Deduction, Storytelling, Lucky Duck Games, and Strategy Game
Crime Zoom - Bird of Ill Omen preview image


A real investigation in a deck of cards! Bird of Ill Omen will take you to Paris in 2018.

A secure office building at 6 rue de Paradis. The janitor was instructed to take out the garbage, but this morning there was no trash in front of the offices on the top floor. Hearing music inside, he rang the doorbell, but no one answered. The janitor half-opened the door and discovered this crime scene. He notified the owner of the building, Mr. Martinent, who called the police...

In Crime Zoom, you are detectives trying to unravel a mysterious murder case. The crime scene is made up of cards that form one large picture. To investigate a trace, simply turn the card over and follow it. In the course of the investigation, you will visit various places, question suspects, gather evidence, and try to come to conclusions.

After the investigation, you fill in a report by answering the questions: Who is the perpetrator? What is the evidence? What was the motive?

Finally, you can check the epilogue, which will allow you to explore the entire rich story.


  • 55 cards
  • Rulebook
  • Purchase option

    Buy Crime Zoom - Bird of Ill Omen
    from Noble Knight Games logoNoble Knight Games

    USD 8.00
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