Cardinal Classics Chess Teacher is a chess set for learners, with labeled movers made specifically for beginners. All you need is 2 players- a perfect couples game- or grab a... (read more)
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Cardinal Classics Chess Teacher is a chess set for learners, with labeled movers made specifically for beginners. All you need is 2 players- a perfect couples game- or grab a friend or family member. This chess set for adults or kids ages 8 & up is easy to set up. Clearly marked pieces make learning chess easy! Large chess pieces show the direction and number of spaces each piece can move. Our Chess Teacher chess set can help teach beginners or novices the different chess moves. Its unique notation system will enhance enjoyment, too.
Examine the chess pieces for a moment and study the unique notation. Each piece shows its name and tell how many spaces and in what direction it moves. No need for a chess clock or other fancy accessories, this kids’ board game is all about learning. If you are searching for a fun gift for a smart person in your life, look no further than this chess set board game for kids ages 8-12. It is also a great adult board game- anyone who is curious to learn the time-tested classic game of chess will adore this set. From Cardinal Classics, Chess Teacher is the best way to go from beginner to grandmaster.
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