Biff stole the DeLorean and went on a joyride through time, disrupting events and scattering items through space and time! Now it’s up to you to help Doc... (read more)
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Biff stole the DeLorean and went on a joyride through time, disrupting events and scattering items through space and time! Now it’s up to you to help Doc and Marty repair the spacetime continuum before time paradoxes unravel the very fabric of the universe. Jump in your time machine, complete events, return items, and help restore temporal order!
The future is in your hands!
1 Game board
4 Player mats
4 DeLorean movers
4 Biff standees and plastic bases
16 Dice
72 Event cards
20 Item cards
20 Paradox tokens
24 Einstein tokens
1 OUTATIME marker
1 First Player token
Purchase option
Buy Back to the Future - Dice Through Time
from Noble Knight Games
USD 9.00
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