In the aftermath of a supernova you seize the opportunity to scavenge valuable Fragments from unstable planets. But it's too dangerous to go alone. You'll need to form uneasy truces... (read more)
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In the aftermath of a supernova you seize the opportunity to scavenge valuable Fragments from unstable planets. But it's too dangerous to go alone. You'll need to form uneasy truces with your competitors to come away with the biggest payload.
Afternova is a negotiation game.
On your turn you may extract Fragments from a planet by employing "Hired Paws" whose total skill values meet or exceed the planet’s skill requirement. You may work alone and extract all the Fragments (if you can afford to do so) or, more likely, you may need to negotiate with one or more players to meet the requirement.
Complete Blueprints by discarding the indicated Fragments. Each Blueprint completed gives you a new ability and scores you victory points. The game ends when a player completes their 6th Blueprint.
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from Noble Knight Games
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