Territory Building

Territory Building in Board Games

Territory building is a common board game mechanic that allows players to expand their influence on the game board by claiming areas, often through placement of pieces or markers. This mechanic requires strategic planning and can lead to direct competition or conflict with other players.

Key Characteristics

  • Control and Influence: Players aim to assert dominance over regions of the board to gain advantages, typically in resources or points.
  • Expansive Gameplay: Games often encourage expansion from a starting region, fostering a sense of growth and development.
  • Player Interaction: Competing for territory naturally involves player-to-player interaction, which can be cooperative or confrontational.
  • Scalable Strategies: Different games offer varying levels of complexity, from simple majority control to intricate systems of governance and resource management.

Examples in Games

  • Risk: A classic example of territory building through troop deployment and area control to conquer the world map.
  • Carcassonne: Players build the board tile-by-tile and claim areas by placing their followers, aiming to control cities, roads, and fields.

Importance in Game Design

Territory building mechanics are crucial for creating dynamic player interactions and deepening strategic options. They can be designed to fit various themes and can be adapted to suit both casual and hardcore gaming audiences.


Territory building mechanics enrich board games by embedding strategic depth, fostering player engagement, and shaping the competitive landscape. Its versatility makes it a staple in the lexicon of game design.

Science themed games with Territory Building

Territory Building and Area Majority / Influence games

Team-Based Game with Territory Building