Roles with Asymmetric Information

Roles with Asymmetric Information in Boardgames

Boardgames often employ various mechanics to create engaging and strategic gameplay. One such mechanic is "Roles with Asymmetric Information," where players possess unique information or capabilities not shared with others. This mechanic adds depth and complexity to games, as players navigate through hidden agendas and partial knowledge.


  • Unique Abilities: Players have special roles with powers that can influence the game.
  • Secret Goals: Each player might have secret objectives unknown to others.
  • Unequal Knowledge: Players have information that is not fully shared, creating an environment where players need to deduce or bluff.


  • Battlestar Galactica: Players are secretly assigned as either humans or cylons, with different goals and knowledge.
  • Dead of Winter: Players face a zombie apocalypse with personal objectives, which may conflict with the group's survival.
  • Sheriff of Nottingham: Players smuggle goods with the Sheriff trying to catch them, creating a bluffing dynamic.

Impact on Gameplay

  • Tension and Suspense: Creates a dynamic environment with continuous guessing about others' roles.
  • Strategic Depth: Players must develop strategies based on limited information and anticipate others' actions.
  • Replayability: Each game can be drastically different based on players' roles and how they choose to use their information.

Strategy Game with Roles with Asymmetric Information

Roles with Asymmetric Information and Negotiation games

Roles with Asymmetric Information and Hidden Roles games

Roles with Asymmetric Information games published by Ediciones MasQueOca

Science Fiction themed games with Roles with Asymmetric Information

Political themed games with Roles with Asymmetric Information