Movement Template

Movement Template Mechanics in Board Games


In board gaming, a Movement Template is a physical tool that guides a player's movement of pieces on the game board. Typically made out of cardboard or plastic, these templates come in various shapes and sizes and are used to dictate movement ranges and trajectories.

Common Shapes and Uses

Movement templates are often seen in tactical miniature games. Shapes can include:

  • Straight Edges: For linear movement.
  • Curved Paths: For arcs or turning maneuvers.
  • Cone Shapes: For area effects or field of vision.

Using these tools, players can move their pieces with precision, which is crucial in games where positioning and range are key to strategy.


A popular example is Fantasy Flight Games' X-Wing Miniatures Game, where players use a range of movement templates to execute precise maneuvers with their starfighter models.

Impact on Gameplay

The inclusion of movement templates adds a tactile and visual dimension to gameplay, enhancing immersion and strategic depth. It introduces a skill element, where a player’s manual dexterity can influence the outcome.


Movement templates enrich board gaming by offering a unique merge of strategy and manual skill, contributing to the ever-growing diversity of game mechanics.

Movement Template and Line of Sight games

Movement Template games published by MEEPLE