Games designed by Simone Delladio and Roberto Pestrin
Dojo Kun
You’re the best around, now prove it in the ring.With hushed tones, Senseis talk about the Dojo Kun. Most only know about it from myth, but the martial arts contest is real. Having your school participate is a high honor. However, only one will have...
mixed, 63%
13 y/o +
1 to 4 players
60 minutes
Dice Game
Dice Rolling
Worker Placement
Games with Variable Player Powers designed by Roberto Pestrin
In Kick-Ass: The Board Game, players take on the role of masked vigilantes trying to keep New York City safe. Working together, they must keep the Evil Boss’ plan from coming to fruition. Each round, they will travel to the various Districts on the ...
Kick-Ass - The Board Game
In Brazil in the late 1800s and early 1900s, large landowners called "coronéis" starved the north-east of the country in an extensive area that included the Sertão desert. In this climate of corruption and abuse, the Cangaceiros - bandits who violently...