Games designed by Daniel Solis and Geoff Engelstein
Games with Variable Player Powers designed by Geoff Engelstein
Games with Real-Time designed by Geoff Engelstein
Pit Crew
Pit Crew is a lightning-fast game where up to three teams of players must work together to get their race car back onto the track as quickly as possible. There are no turns in Pit Crew, as cards can be played at any time, but teams need to work together...
mixed, 62%
10 y/o +
2 players
15 minutes
Team-Based Game
Catch the Leader
Pattern Recognition
Strategy Game designed by Geoff Engelstein
Games with Sudden Death Ending designed by Geoff Engelstein
For months you've been planning and gathering forces for the largest invasion of the war. Your opponent knows that you are preparing a major strike, but do they know where? Suddenly you receive reports that as py has gained information about your operation...
Great Designers Series, The: Fog of War, The
On November 11th, 1918 an armistice halted the killing field that was The War to End All Wars. To make peace, Woodrow Wilson (United States), David Lloyd George (United Kingdom), and Vittorio Orlando (Italy), were hosted by President George Clemenceau...
Versailles 1919