Games with Modular Board illustrated by Sean Andrew "Muttonhead" Murray
Zombicide - Black Plague: Special Guest Artist Box - Sean A. Murray
New Fusion Summoning strategies!Zombicide: Green Horde - Special Guest Artist Sean A MurrayThis Special Guest box features characters based on the art of the boardgame Gateway: Uprising by CMON and Fish Wizard Games.Includes miniatures and character...
positive, 82%
14 y/o +
1 to 6 players
60 to 60 minutes
Cooperative Game
Dice Rolling
Variable Player Powers
Modular Board
Games designed by Michelle Menard and illustrated by Sean Andrew "Muttonhead" Murray
Gateway - Uprising
Control the magic of the past to free the city!The city of Gateway has long suffered under the rule of the evil Chancellor Gideon. Magic was once the pride of the people who lived here, but now it’s been all but outlawed. Making matters worse, the city...
mixed, 58%
13 y/o +
2 to 4 players
45 minutes
Strategy Game
Modular Board
Deck, Bag, and Pool Building