Games illustrated by Natalia Bacetti and Amanda Duarte
Video Game Champion
The 1990s. The Golden Age of 16-Bit video games. A simpler time when every kid's dreams revolved around becoming the next Video Game Champion!Video Game Champion is a competitive strategy board game for 2 to 5 players that takes 50-90 minutes to play...
mostly positive, 77%
14 y/o +
2 to 5 players
50 to 90 minutes
Video Game Theme
Set Collection
Hand Management
Strategy Game illustrated by Amanda Duarte
Dragonholt lies just past the eaves of spirit haunted Eventide Forest, surrounded by ancient orchards and quiet farms. While much of Terrinoth is perilous, this village is a comparative haven of tranquility - or it used to be. Danger has come to Dragonholt...
Legacy of Dragonholt
Cupcakes are at the height of fashion in the city. It’s the perfect time to expand your business. Create new recipes, open new stores, serve your customers, hire new workers, all by selecting the right actions and correctly placing your workers(dice...
Cupcake Empire