Games illustrated by Odysseas Stamoglou and Agnieszka Kopera
Games with Ownership illustrated by Agnieszka Kopera
It's the year 123 CE and the Roman Empire is at the peak of its glory.Caesar Hadrian is no longer waging war against the barbarians, but building cities and fortifications to ensure a lengthy domination of the Roman culture and wealth. The southern ...
mixed, 55%
12 y/o +
2 to 5 players
75 minutes
Strategy Game
Ancient Civilization
City Building
Delayed Purchase
Modular Board
Games designed by Dávid Turczi and illustrated by Agnieszka Kopera
Teotihuacan is expanding into an empire! The city is growing beyond its old borders, military expeditions project its influence all the way to the Yucatan Peninsula. Fighting men become settlers, new resources are discovered, and the wealth brought by...
Teotihuacan: Expansion Period
This deluxe Kickstarter edition includes all stretch goals. Includes an epic hoard of 365 custom wooden components and cubes.The peaks of Snowdonia rise before you, encased in mist, their summits barely visible. The highest is Snowdon (Wyddfa) herself...
Snowdonia (Deluxe Master Set)