Games illustrated by Cat Bock and developed Marcel Cwertetschka-Mattasits
Frosthaven is the story of a small outpost far to the north of the capital city of White Oak, an outpost barely surviving the harsh weather as well as invasions from forces both known and unknown. There, a group of mercenaries at the end of their rope...
very positive, 91%
14 y/o +
1 to 4 players
30 minutes
Strategy Game
Campaign / Battle Card Driven
Communication Limits
Deck, Bag, and Pool Building
Grid Movement
Games published by Mindclash Games and developed by Marcel Cwertetschka-Mattasits
The once flourishing empire of Domineum is no more. Many of the Great Houses have lost their humanity, distorted until they became mindless puppets of one entity more ancient than the universe. We saw the signs. We heard the whispers. We trusted the ...
An eternal conflict for the land of Ironwood is raging between two factions: the stalwart and hard-working Ironclad, settlers of the iron mountains; and the ferocious Woodwalkers, swift and deadly shadows of the forests. Both factions struggle for the...