Games published by Space Cow and designed by Yves Hirschfeld
Mysterium Kids: Captain Echo's Treasure
Legend has it that the old mansion on the outskirts of the city is home to a fabulous treasure! Hoping to find it, you decide to spend the night there. You are about to give up when the ghost of Captain Echo appears to help you find his treasure. He ...
mixed, 68%
6 y/o +
2 to 6 players
30 minutes
Children's Game
Communication Limits
Games published by Ultra Pro and designed by Yves Hirschfeld
10 Dice
Everything starts with the roll of a die! Each round, you roll a total of 10 dice. The dice, and the words on them, will inspire you! The goal is to come up with an idea born from the association of the number of words listed on the board. That idea...
10 y/o +
2 to 8 players
30 minutes
Dice Game